Ripley Users Guide

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Print things out
3. Do some math
3.1. More about stacks
3.2. A little more math
4. Variables
4.1. More About the Different Variable Types
4.2. Naming Variables in the User Dictionary
5. Making New Functions
6. Ifs and Elses
7. Loops and such
A. Ripley Operands
A.1. add
A.2. aload
A.3. astore
A.4. clear
A.5. count
A.6. debug_dump
A.7. debug_opstack
A.8. def
A.9. div
A.10. dump
A.11. dup
A.12. eq
A.13. exch
A.14. exec
A.15. exit
A.16. false
A.17. forall
A.18. ge
A.19. get
A.20. gets
A.21. gt
A.22. if
A.23. ifelse
A.24. keys
A.25. le
A.26. length
A.27. loop
A.28. lt
A.29. mul
A.30. not
A.31. pop
A.32. print
A.33. put
A.34. ripley_version
A.35. roll
A.36. sub
A.37. token
A.38. true
List of Tables
4-1. Ripley Variable Types
4-2. Example Simple Types
List of Examples
2-1. Printing Hello World
2-2. Using Ripley Interactively
2-3. Using Ripley With A File
3-1. Evaluating 1 + 2
3-2. Subtracting 1 for 2
3-3. Multiplying 2 by 10
3-4. Dividing 10 by 5
3-5. Evaluating (1+2)*10
4-1. Array Example 1
4-2. Array Example 2
4-3. Dictionary Example
4-4. 1+2 using named variables
5-1. Hello World function
5-2. Add 10 function
6-1. Always true conditional
6-2. Always false conditional
6-3. Greater than ten printer
6-4. Greater than ten printer (ifelse version)
7-1. Counter to 10
7-2. Walking an array with forall
7-3. Using exit within forall